Bad Ranking Due to Keyword Cannibalism

Bad ranking due to keyword cannibalism? But what are the consequences of over-optimization. In this context we speak of the “relevance problem”. The search engine no longer recognizes which website is actually relevant for a keyword or Bad Ranking Due to Keyword is unable to explicitly assign the keyword to a url. As a result, the search engine declares the affecte sites to be competitors . This can lead to frequent changes in position in the search engine results pages. An unwante double placement can also be the result. In the worst case scenario. Google evaluates a “wrong,” possibly outdate url as more relevant and gives it a better ranking. All three cases often have fatal effects on usability and conversion. Rates by slowing down or even breaking off the conversion path. How to avoid cannibalism effects although it is often an unintentional endeavor, there is an easy way to combat over-optimization. 

Update existing posts create higher-level category pages

The magic word is monitoring . How to prevent seo over-optimization john mueller, webmaster. Trends analyst at google recommends Special Marketing Database on redit: “personally, i recommend having a few stronger. Pages rather than too many weaker ones – don’t dilute the value of your website.” so you should discard the idea of ​​using keyword cannibalization as an. Seo strategy in order to at least rank several pages poorly instead of concentrating intensively on a single good Bad Ranking Due to Keyword ranking. In order to follow this recommendation exactly, it makes sense to take the following tips into account: instead of creating new content.  Update existing posts create higher-level category pages if you want to create different sites with the same keyword (especially useful for online shops), it is also a good idea to create a table with all relevant urls and associate keywords. 

If you notice that various websites are unintentionally shown for the same keyword

This makes identification easier for you and also prevents future over-optimization. What to do if it’s already too late? If you notice strong fluctuations Bolivia phone number list in the rankings or all your efforts in link building and content. Marketing are not bearing fruit, you should start by checking your own page and its subpages with the site query . To do this, use the addition “intitle” combine with the corresponding keyword: intitle:keyword. If you notice that various websites are unintentionally shown for the same keyword. You should consider which of your own websites offers the greatest adde value for the user. You then have a few options to deal with the problem. Keyword cannibalism delete and forward also consider inbound links and organic traffic in your review. Once you have identifie these, you can simply delete the old content or set up 301 reirects to the best indexe website.

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